The Justice Reform Initiative Parliamentary Pledge can be signed by any state, territory or federal parliamentarian. The Pledge is as follows:
We, the undersigned parliamentarians, welcome the formation of the Justice Reform Initiative, seeking an evidence-based criminal justice policy for this country that identifies effective alternatives to incarceration and enhances community safety.
We recognise the harm and cost of over-incarceration, the over-representation of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations in the criminal justice system, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and the need to address the social and health drivers of crime and incarceration.
I pledge myself to work for evidence-based policy and for the reduction of costly and harmful over-incarceration.
To sign, simply email [email protected] from your official parliamentary account indicating that you wish to be added. Alternatively, send us a scanned copy of the signed Parliamentary Pledge.
The full list of signatories for each jurisdiction can be seen below.